Stopping Your Dogs Bad Behavior Once and For All!
Thousands of dogs are given up by owners to shelters every year because the dog never received obedience training. Although it’s the owners fault, sadly the dog is the one who suffers.
Dogs need discipline just like children do. They need to know what is acceptable behavior so they can be a thriving, and happy member of your pack.
Although most dog owners know this, they either don’t feel they have the time or money to pay for training, and it can be expensive. Some owners wrongly believe that the dog will just mature as it grows, but they soon find out that a dog, without training, can develop some very bad behaviors. Behaviors such as:
- Destructive Chewing
- Incessent Barking
- Destructive Digging
- Door Charging
- Jumping on People
- Jumping on Furniture
- Biting and Agressive Behavior
But there is hope! And many dog trainers, including Cesar Millan, utilize this technique during training sessions. Keep in mind that it doesn’t take the place of formal training but it will help stop most destructive behavior.
It’s a tool that works to humanely reprogram the dogs association with that behavior. It is simply a tool that utilizes sound and verbal reinforcement to stop the dog’s bad behavior.
This tool can take a few different forms but what I believe is the most effective is a small, 8oz to 10oz, metal can with small marbles inside. A can with marbles will make a high-pitched rattling sound which is startling to a dog. I also recommend having several cans you can strategically place around the house and in the yard.

Some may think that rattling a can at a dog may be harmful or traumatizing. It might if it is misused or used in an abusive way but generally it will just startle the dog just long enough to stop the unwanted behavior.
A well behaved dog is much less likely to be given up by it’s owner and be faced with homelessness or much worse.
Since we want to make sure you use this tecnique properly, below is a comprehensive FAQ and Q & A as well as detailed instructions on how to stop you fur baby’s bad behavior fast.
(We would love your comments if you try this technique with your furbaby)
Q: Why does this technique work?
A: It works because dogs are very sensitive to and are easily startled by loud high-pitched sounds, so if rattling the can startles your dog while he is in the act of misbehaving, he will equate that misbehavior with a very unpleasant experience, and will attempt to avoid it in the future. It’s using negative reinforcement but in a humane, benign way.
Q: Will it work on a dog with no training?
A: Yes, most of the time! There may be instances where this technique won’t work, but if so, it is probably because the dog is a true delinquent and may need more structured, formal training.
Q: If this is so effective, why should I also take my dog to training classes?
A: Even though this should stop your dog’s bad behavior, training will establish you as the alpha, or leader of the pack. It offers many other benefits as well as positive dog socialization skills, how to heel, stay, sit, lie down, stop pulling on a lease, etc. And a well trained dog is a companion that’s even more enjoyable to share your life with.
Instructions on How to Use This Tool to Correct Your Dogs Bad Behavior!
First rule! You must catch your dog in the act for this to work!
Note: In treating each type of your dog’s behavioral problems, keep in mind that some dogs are more sensitive than others, so be careful to use only enough force to startle your dog, not frighten or hurt him. You should temper each discipline based upon how much your dog reacts.
Example One: Your dog has grown fond of digging in your garden.
1. You catch him digging. Take one can, shake it vigorously, and immediately throw it quickly into the hole he is digging. At the same time say, “No, No! Bad dog!” The loud noise from the can, and your voice should be enough to stop the behavior.
2. If not, throw an second can quickly saying, ” No No! Bad dog!” again.
Note: You will often find it only takes one or two times to stop the behavior permanently.
3. Once you have used this tool for that particular bahavior, you will only need to show your dog the can, (or rattle it very lightly) to remind him to stop.
Example Two: Your dog charges the front door with the doorbell rings.
1. Stand between your dog and the front door and rattle the can loudly and say, “No, No! Bad dog!” He should back down quickly.
2. Once you have used this deterrent once or twice, you will only need to show your dog the can, (or rattle it very lightly) to remind him to stop.
Example Three: Your dog barks everytime somone walks by.
1. Stand quietly and be ready with two or three containers in your hands and wait for him to start barking.
2. When he begins barking, throw a can at the spot right in front of where he is barking and always reinforce it with a quick “No, No! Bad dog!” It may take a couple of times but he should be startled enough to stop.
Example Four: Your dog jumps up onto your expensive chair. (Note: Again remember, you must catch your dog in the act! You may or may not need to use the can for this discipline).
1. When you anticipate your dog is going to jump onto your chair, stand behind the chair and wait. When he begins to jump up, immediately lift the chair and push it directly into your dog and say, “No,No!”
2. The trick is to push the chair in such a way that it pushes the dog backwards off the chair. This should be enough to deter him from that chair in the future.
3. If this approach does not work the first time, try it again, but this time shake a can while at the same time saying, “No, No”.
Example Five: Your dog demonstrates aggressive behavior toward another dog or person.
1. The second you identify an aggressive behavior, from snarling and showing teeth, to physically lunging at his chosen target, shake the can vigorously, or two cans, and loudly say, “No, No! Bad dog!” If you have a large or hearty dog, you can also throw the can at your dog after shaking it for a more pronounced effect, but only if your dog is more than 30 lbs and not overly sensitive.
2. Aggressive behavior should never be allowed or taken lightly. You must show your dog who is boss, or alpha by reacting quickly and as strongly as you can. You can attempt this up to three time, but no more.
3. In many cases, this should stop your dog’s aggression. If it doesn’t, you have an extreme case and it’s highly recommended that you consult a dog behavioral specialist for one-on-one training. Any form of aggression is unacceptable and it’s up to you, the owner, to take responsibility and seek help. If you don’t, your dog is likely to end up in a shelter and may be killed. This is the sad truth and why so many perfectly healthy, innocent dogs are killed in shelters every year!
We hope you will become a part of the solution by sharing this information so we can all make a difference in saving more innocent pups from abandonment or worse.
Although advice varies amongst dog trainers, most agree you should only use this tool no more than 2 or 3 times for each separate behavioral problem. And if any prior bad behaviors crop up in the future, you should only need to show the can to your dog to stop him immediately.
Finally, although this tool works extremely well as a stand-alone training tool to stop bad behavior, it it not designed to take the place of training! Formal training by a professionally certified trainer is highly recommended as soon as you bring your pup home. From the start, it will establish you as alpha and the one in charge.
Dogs are pack animals. They rely on their pack leader to show them the way. They want nothing more than to please us and they’re the only creature on the planet that loves us more then they love themselves. So let’s do them justice and give them the love and discipline they deserve.
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